I was in a bad mood today....and I didn't know it. In fact, if anyone had said anything about it, I would have rolled my eyes and said that I was perfectly happy but I was tired of everyone else being a pain. I even without a thought,would've huffed that "so and so" wouldn't stop complaining and "so and so" kept asking stupid questions and was not listening and I wished that they all would just be quiet.
But I didn't know I was the problem. I thought that I was just being my own "sweet" self. If you would have confronted me, I would have been offended.
I went through the whole day with this attitude, picking arguments with my sister and criticizing my brother about meaningless stuff. By the end, I had everyone else out of sorts and they all started huffing about as well.
It wasn't until later when I was helping my brother take a pile of stuff off the stairway that I finally listened to myself and the things I was saying. I was all a sudden taken back as I heard myself accuse my brother of not using common sense when cleaning and I actually huffed when he flippantly tossed a bobby pin into a near by laundry basket, something so pointless. That's when I realized I was being a brat.
Here's a thought. Often as humans, we don't see when we're the problem and though to everyone else it may seem obvious, we are somehow blinded to the truth. We often look at ourselves and don't see the facts, we think we're fine, even better then everyone else and in complete honesty will tell others just how "fine" we are when they confront us.
Also, if we swing that around, if we have ever been an "onlooker" to someone like this and we feel the need to tell that person off, we need to remember that that person may not know they are the problem and if you confront them, they will be offended.
We need to first pray that God would reveal to us the problems in our own hearts then pray for that other person that God would show them the truth. And last of all, have compassion on them and speak if it's God's will, in love.