Sunday, December 14, 2008

A Christmas Program. Part 1. Not my Program.

"The glories of Christ Jesus are far greater then anything any man could ever do on their own."

I love seeing God work...especially when it is so obvious that it is Him, and when it is a direct result of prayer.
He worked in such a way today.

July 2008. God began this work by filling my head with ideas for that my churches children's Christmas program that year. And though everything was not completely clear, He had laid the basics in my mind. The story of Christmas, not just a baby in a manger but the man on the cross, the Resurrection of Christ and the great commission.
So with much thought and prayer, I volunteered to direct the program.

September. I started teaching the 2-5year olds the songs they would sing.
As I planned out the details, I was advised to maybe do a skit.
With more thought, I decided to write my own script. As I started the process,
I made two goals: 1. To have the script finished by end of September and 2. Have cast lined up by the beginning of October.

News flash. God's plans are not our plans and God's time is not our time.

I tried to write the script on my own in my time. But first God had a big a lesson to teach me. And as I labored for the write words to say, I found myself frustrated that all I could write was shallow and stupid jabber. And as the days passed to no avail, I became more and more stressed to the point of tossing and turning at night and when I would think of the unfinished script I felt great panic.

During this time I would ask myself what exactly was I thinking when I volunteered to do this program.:)

Finally I had had enough. I stopped, I cried. Then I gave the pen to God. I told Him that He could have it all. I would be the tool in His hands. I gave Him the script and the cast. He knew best.

God had the pen and the words began to flow. After others had edited, I finished the script mid October. The cast came together shortly there after.

Many more times I would cry out to God and give Him the burden that wasn't met for me. Many more times I would give Him each song, each verse, each teacher, each child, each prop, each motion. And most of all, I would give Him myself.

God in return, filled me with peace. All was well, and with the advice of others and the continueal leading of God, the program slowly began to take shape.

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